페트레이(PEUTEREY) 공식 홈페이지


페트레이가 하는 모든 일과 행동에 내리는 선택은 더 나은 미래를 향한 도전입니다.
(#better future) 매일 지구에 미치는 영향을 줄이기 위해 인적 자원과 환경 자원을 최대한 활용하며 미래 세대의 기회를 훼손하지 않기 위해 지속 가능한 개발을 열정적으로 믿고 노력합니다.



The heart of our company continues to beat in our headquarters here in Tuscany. We come from a region where the enchanting natural landscape lives side by side with the beauty of human art and creativity. It is here in Tuscany that we were born and grew up, fed by this balance, by the wonders all around us, and by what we do and want to be. At the very beginning, nearly thirty years ago, we chose the name Geospirit for our company, a name to convey the brand philosophy and at the same time, to evoke the spirit of the earth. Even then we were planning, designing, and taking those first concrete actions to protect the planet and its species. Focus on the environment and sustainability are the essential elements in our company’s DNA. That is why we know full well that our biggest challenge today is to improve tomorrow. This is why we work hard, every day, to improve our impact on the environment. We invest in research and innovation to achieve substantial results that can be incorporated into our production processes: we reduce waste in terms of energy and materials we use alternative products, certified raw materials, and technologies that are on the cutting edge. We see the word “sustainability” not as company goal, but rather as a way of thinking and above all, doing. Our idea of sustainability concerns concrete action: sustainably is the way we do things. It is only by carefully choosing every action in the present that together we can work to build a better future.

For a more detailed look at the sustainability of our products and materials,continue to Peuterey Features!